Congratulations to all of our highly commended entrants and winners this year! Thank you to everyone who submitted an entry in this record-breaking year.

Sustainable Investment Industry Categories

 Best Sustainable Investment Thought Leadership Paper

Winner: Planet Tracker: Exposing Water Risk in the Apparel Industry

Best Sustainable Investment Research Team

Winner: holistiQ Investment Partners, Lombard Odier Investment Managers

Best Sustainable Investment Education Initiative

Winner: AllianceBernstein and Columbia Climate School: Climate Change and Investment Academy

H/C: Arvella ESG Engagement MBA Challenge

Best Sustainable Investment Consultancy

Winner: Finance Earth

Best Sustainable Investment Wealth Manager/DFM Group

Winner: Tribe Impact Capital

H/C: Greenbank

Best Sustainable Investment Research & Ratings Provider

Winner: GHGSat Inc.

Group of the Year for ESG Integration

Winner: AllianceBernstein's Fixed Income Responsible Investing Team

H/C: Van Lanschot Kempen Investment Management

Best Sustainable Investment Engagement Initiative

Winner: Greenbank: The Investor Coalition on Food Policy

H/C: Columbia Threadneedle Investments: Improving board gender diversity in Asia

H/C: Nordea Asset Management: Methane Engagement Initiative

Sustainable Investment Fund Categories

Best Sustainable Global Equity Fund

Winner: Pictet-Global Environmental Opportunities Fund

H/C: M&G Global Sustain Paris Aligned Fund 

Best Sustainable Specialist Fund

Winner: Schroder ISF Global Cities Fund

H/C:  LO Funds – Circular Economy Fund

Best Sustainable European Equity Fund

Winner: EdenTree Responsible & Sustainable European Equity Fund

H/C:  FP Carmignac European Leaders Fund

Best Sustainable Emerging Markets Fund

Winner: Stewart Investors Global Emerging Markets Sustainability Fund

Best Sustainable Multi-Asset Fund

Winner: Janus Henderson Global Responsible Managed Fund

H/C: Quilter Cheviot - Climate Assets Balanced Fund

Best Impact Fund

Winner: Schroder ISF BlueOrchard Emerging Markets Impact Bond Fund

Best Sustainable Investment ETF
Winner: UBS (Irl) ETF plc – MSCI USA Socially Responsible UCITS ETF

 H/C: The Royal Mint Responsibly Sourced Physical Gold ETC 

Best Sustainable Bond Fund

Winner: Schroder ISF BlueOrchard Emerging Markets Impact Bond Fund

H/C: CT UK Social Bond Fund

Best Environmental/Climate Change Fund

Winner: Nordea 1 - Global Climate and Environment Fund

H/C: Pictet-Global Environmental Opportunities Fund

Sustainable Investment Newcomer Categories

Best Newcomer Sustainable Equity Fund

Winner:  Federated Hermes Sustainable Global Equity Fund

Best Newcomer Sustainable Bond

Winner: Schroder ISF BlueOrchard EM Climate Bond Fund

Best Newcomer Sustainable Multi-Asset Funds

Winner:  Rathbone Greenbank Multi-Asset Portfolios

H/C: Quilter Cheviot Climate Assets Growth Fund

Sustainable Investment Fund Launch Categories

Best Sustainable Fund Launch

Winner: Rathbone Greenbank Global Sustainable Bond Fund

Best Sustainable ETF Launch

Winner: Xtrackers MSCI Global SDG 11 Sustainable Cities UCITS ETF

H/C: KraneShares MSCI China Clean Technology Index UCITS ETF

Sustainable Investment Group Awards

Sustainable Investment Fund Management Group of the Year (AUM under £50bn)

Winner: EdenTree Investment Management

H/C: CCLA Investment Management 

Sustainable Investment Fund Management Group of the Year (AUM over £50bn)

Winner: Lombard Odier Investment Managers

Sustainable Investment Individual Awards

Rising Star Sustainable Investment Champion of the Year

Winner: Carlota Esguevillas - EdenTree Investment Management

H/C: Tara Irwin- Hargreaves Lansdown

Best Sustainable Investment Wealth Manager/Fund Selector of the Year

Winner: Corinne Bathgate - Greenbank

Outstanding Contribution to the Sustainable Investment Industry

Winner: Nigel Kershaw OBE, Big Issue Invest