
Please note: A fund may only be entered for a maximum of two categories for these awards, providing they meet the category criteria. Funds must also be available for sale in the UK to retail/wholesale investors.

A description for each category can be found below. You can add multiple categories at once to your basket, or you can simply enter one at this stage and log back in to add additional entries if you choose to do so. If you have any questions about our entry process and/or forms, please get in touch: 

Deadline for entries:

Sustainable Investment Industry Categories:

Open to papers that are original, inspirational, thought provoking and expand readers' minds or include a call to action on sustainable investment issues. Must have been published in the 12 months to 31 January 2024. The judges will consider the potential impact of the paper on investors and the wider investment industry. Open to groups/individuals based in the UK.

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Open to research teams providing research & analysis on sustainable investment. The judges will consider: strength of team structure and approach; effective use of internal and external research; achievements over the 12 months to 31 January 2024, including the team’s impact over this period.

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Open to ratings & research providers helping investors identify suitable sustainable investments. Offering must be available in the UK. The judges will consider: strength of proposition, processes and methodology; key developments over the past 12 months to 31 January 2024; excellence in responding to changing client needs and client communication.

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Open to any investment group based in the UK that has launched an educational initiative to improve understanding of sustainable investing. The initiative must have been launched in the year to 31 January 2024 or significantly enhanced during that period to qualify. The initiative could be targeted at consumers, financial advisers, wealth managers, or other parts of the investment industry. In particular, the judges will consider the impact of this initiative in terms of reach and response from the target audience.

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Open to wealth managers and discretionary fund managers based in the UK who can demonstrate excellence in sustainable investing across their firm and client proposition.

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Open to technology providers, platforms and support services providers based in the UK who support the sustainable investment industry, sustainable investment propositions or help clients invest sustainably. The judges will consider: strength of proposition; key developments over the past 12 months; excellence in responding to changing client needs.

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Open to consultancies, PR and marketing firms, law firms and compliance firms supporting the sustainable investment industry in the UK. In particular, the judges will consider: strength of proposition; key developments over the past 12 months; impact at firm and/or wider industry level.

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Open to investment companies based in the UK who can demonstrate real impact and how they have brought about change through their engagement with a particular company/sector/area of the market. Open to asset managers/wealth managers/consultancies. The initiative must have been launched in the year to 31 January 2024 or significantly enhanced during that period to qualify.

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Open to investment companies based in the UK who can showcase key developments on ESG integration within the past year to 31 January 2024 in particular. They should explain how they are responding to new opportunities and meeting challenges; how they are building their capabilities; effective use of data; how they are championing ESG across the business; and the impact this is having internally and externally.

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Sustainable Investment Fund Categories:

Open to funds with a minimum three-year track record on 31 January 2024. Must be at least £10m in size. Must be available for sale in the UK to retail/wholesale investors. For the fund categories, the judges will consider: performance of the fund against its objectives and benchmark, especially over the past 12 months to 31 January 2024; strength of team and sustainable investment process; meeting investor needs, as well as wider global impact; evolution of the strategy, especially over the past year; engagement record and influence; strength of client reporting and communications. 

Open to active funds with a sustainable objective available in the UK to retail/wholesale investors. Must have a three-year track record as at 31 January 2024. Only open to funds with a broad global remit or not eligible for entry in other categories. For more specific, geographically-focused funds, please enter other categories where applicable.

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Open to active funds with a sustainable objective available in the UK to retail/wholesale investors. Must have a three-year track record at 31 January 2024. Open to funds investing in European equities, including the UK.

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Open to active funds with a sustainable objective available in the UK to retail/wholesale investors. Must have a three-year track record as at 31 January 2024. Open to funds investing in emerging or frontier markets.

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Open to active funds with a sustainable objective focusing on a particular specialist area or sector of the market not covered by the other categories. The judges will be looking for strategies focused on a particular sector or theme. Must be available in the UK to retail/wholesale investors. Must have a three-year track record as at 31 January 2024.

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Open to active bond funds with a sustainable objective available in the UK to retail/wholesale investors. Must have a three-year track record as at 31 January 2024.

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Open to active impact funds available in the UK to retail/wholesale investors. Must have a three-year track record as at 31 January 2024.

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Open to multi-asset funds with a sustainable objective available in the UK to retail/wholesale investors. Must have a three-year track record as at 31 January 2024.

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Open to active environmental/climate change funds available in the UK to retail/wholesale investors. Must have a three-year track record as at 31 January 2024.

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Open to sustainable investment ETFs available in the UK to retail/wholesale investors. Must have a three-year track record as at 31 January 2024.

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Sustainable Investment Newcomer Categories:

Open to funds with track records between one and three years as at 31 January 2024

Open to active equity funds with a sustainable objective and between a one-year and three-year track record as at 31 January 2024. Funds with less than a one-year track record at 31 January 2024 should enter the fund launch categories. Funds with a three-year track record and above at 31 January 2024 should enter the Sustainable Fund Categories. Must be available in the UK to retail/wholesale investors. Open to funds with a broader sustainable remit as well as strategies focused on specific areas including social impact or biodiversity.

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Open to active bond funds with a sustainable objective and between a one-year and three-year track record as at 31 January 2024. Funds with less than a one-year track record at 31 January 2024 should enter the fund launch categories. Funds with a three-year track record and above at 31 January 2024 should enter the Sustainable Fund Categories. Must be available in the UK to retail/wholesale investors. Open to funds with a broader sustainable remit as well as strategies focused on specific areas including social impact or biodiversity.

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Open to active mixed asset funds with a sustainable objective and between a one-year and three-year track record as at 31 January 2024. Funds with less than a one-year track record at 31 January 2024 should enter the fund launch categories. Funds with a three-year track record and above at 31 January 2024 should enter the Sustainable Fund Categories. Must be available in the UK to retail/wholesale investors.

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Open to sustainable ETFs with between a one-year and three-year track record as at 31 January 2024. Funds with less than a one-year track record at 31 January 2024 should enter the fund launch categories. Funds with a three-year track record and above at 31 January 2024 should enter the Sustainable Fund Categories. Must be available in the UK to retail/wholesale investors. Must be available in the UK to retail/wholesale investors. Open to funds with a broader sustainable remit as well as strategies focused on specific areas including social impact or biodiversity.

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Sustainable Investment Fund Launch Categories:

Open to funds launched in the 12 months to 31 January 2024.

Open to active sustainable or impact funds available in the UK to retail/wholesale investors. Must have been launched in the 12 months to 31 January 2024 and offer a differentiated proposition for investors. Must be available in the UK to retail/wholesale investors. Open to funds with a broader sustainable remit as well as strategies focused on specific areas including social impact or biodiversity.

This item is not available

Open to ETFs available in the UK to retail/wholesale investors. Must have been launched in the 12 months to 31 January 2024 and offer a differentiated proposition for investors. Must be available in the UK to retail/wholesale investors. Open to funds with a broader sustainable remit as well as strategies focused on specific areas including social impact or biodiversity.

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Sustainable Investment Group Awards:

Groups may only enter one group category in this section

Open to fund groups operating in the UK with sustainable products available for retail/wholesale investors. AUM is under £50bn at 31 January 2024. The judges will be looking for leaders in this space, especially over the past 12 months. They will consider: how groups have built up their team, proposition and expertise in this area and promoted excellence in sustainable investing throughout the company; how they have solved challenges in this area; how they have measured progress and their impact in terms of sustainable investing, including active engagement with companies; how they have championed sustainable investing internally, industry-wide and with investors over the past year.

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Open to fund groups based in the UK with sustainable products available for retail/wholesale investors. AUM is £50bn or above at 31 January 2024. The judges will be looking for leaders in this space, especially over the past 12 months. They will consider: how groups have built up their team, proposition and expertise in this area and promoted excellence in sustainable investing throughout the company; how they have solved challenges in this area; how they have measured progress and their impact in terms of sustainable investing, including active engagement with companies; how they have championed sustainable investing internally, industry-wide and with investors over the past year. 

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Open to fund groups that only offer a specialist range of sustainable products (for example in the renewables or infrastructure space or focused on a couple of sectors or specialist products.)

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Open to ETF providers operating in the UK with sustainable products available for retail/wholesale investors. The judges will be looking for leaders in this space, especially over the past year. They will consider: how groups have built up their team, proposition and expertise in this area and promoted excellence in sustainable investing throughout the company; how they have solved challenges in this area; how they have measured progress and their impact in terms of sustainable investing, including active engagement with companies; how they have championed sustainable investing internally, industry-wide and with investors over the past year.

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Sustainable Investment Individual Awards:

The individual categories are open for nominations. We encourage individuals to nominate themselves or you can be nominated by someone else in the industry. 

Open to rising stars who have been in the UK investment industry for five years or under as at 31 January 2024 who have gone above and beyond their job role to make a significant contribution to championing sustainable investing, especially over the past 12 months.

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Open to individual wealth managers and advisers based in the UK who can demonstrate their commitment to sustainable investing especially over the past year, the impact they have had, and excellence in terms of providing a sustainable client proposition.

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Open for nominations for UK-based individuals who have made a significant contribution to sustainable investing throughout their careers. The judges will consider how they have driven change and the impact they have had, including promoting sustainable investing to investors and their impact at company and/or industry-wide level.

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