Asset Value Investors:
Fund: AVI Global Equity Fund
Speaker: Joe Bauernfreund, CEO, CIO – Asset Value Investors
Session: The New Barbarians at the Gate
AVI are specialists in identifying mispriced assets; understanding complex listed structures; and engaging with companies to un-lock hidden value. The dislocated valuations of companies provide a margin of safety while understanding idiosyncratic events and potential catalysts mitigates some of the risks of under-researched companies. We will discuss how complex structures can be unravelled and the importance of controlling shareholders.
Fund: Robeco Gravis Digital Infrastructure Income Fund
Speaker: Matthew Norris - Director of Real Estate Securities
Session: Concrete and Cables: The foundations to our digital future
The transition from analogue to digital has been underway for some time, with this only set to continue. Supporting the digital revolution is critical physical infrastructure, the concrete and cables enabling our digital interactions. From data centres to telecom towers, logistics warehouse supporting e-commerce, to fibre optic networks, Gravis will explore the opportunities for predictable long-term growth income that can be found by investing in the companies which own these physical infrastructure assets, vital to the transition to a digital world.
Mirabaud Asset Management:
Fund: Mirabaud - Sustainable Global Strategic Bond Fund
Speaker: Al Cattermole, Fixed Income Portfolio Manager – Mirabaud Asset Management
Session: Bonds are back. Why flexible, dynamic management is essential to adapt to constantly changing markets.
While the macro landscape continues to lack directional clarity, we’re seeing clear opportunities in fixed income markets as the year rolls towards a close. They’re not broad-based though, demanding a nuanced regional view and a flexible dynamic investment approach to maximise the opportunity set. We discuss how to get the best out of what the market has to offer.