Thursday 8th - Friday 9th May

Best Ideas Summit 2025

Investment Week’s inaugural Best Ideas Summit will be based around interactive sessions showcasing asset managers’ flagship strategies to a select group of fund selectors and wealth managers from the UK’s top investment firms. Funds suitable for inclusion at this event will have strong track records of at least three years, be run by established teams and be over £100m in size.

We will encourage our fund manager speakers to engage with delegates on the big questions impacting portfolios, as well as explain their investment strategies and current positioning. At the Best Idea Summit, we will also discuss the key issues for fund selectors and wealth managers including Consumer Duty, concentration risk, building MPS capabilities, sustainable fund regulation and much more.

The Best Ideas Summit will provide an ideal opportunity to meet a range of high quality fund managers from across the industry, as well as benefit from networking opportunities. In addition, Investment Week’s editorial team will provide filming opportunities at the event for participating delegates to appear on

Reasons to attend Best Ideas Summit:

  • Boardroom style sessions allow for in depth information sharing and opportunities to enter discussions
  • The opportunity to ask presenting fund managers any questions you have 
  • Network with like-minded peers  
  • Half day format with the busy professional in mind
  • All Market Focus events are CPD certified

Who should attend:

Places are complimentary for discretionary investment professionals who actively invest client money, or researchers/analysts who influence decisions relating to the buying or selling of funds.

We welcome delegates from the following firm types: Banks, Discretionary Wealth Managers, Family Offices, Funds of Funds/Multi-Manager, Private Banks, Research Companies, Stockbrokers... with job titles such as: Chief Investment Officer, Head of Fund Selection, Head of Investment Strategy, Head of Multi-Manager, Head of Research, Investment Analyst, Investment Director, Investment Manager, Investment Research Manager, Wealth Manager.

Simply apply for your place using the registration form today and we will be in touch to let you know if you have been approved!


For sponsorship enquiries:
Natasha Buckle
Commercial Director
For registration and audience enquiries:
Becca Elliott
Head of Audience Relations
0207 484 9714
For registration enquiries:
Ella Bodeker
Delegate Sales Executive
0207 484 9890