Asset Value Investors (“AVI”) provides expertly managed exposure to the opportunities presented in various parts of the world. The investment strategy identifies valuation anomalies to create a concentrated, unique, and diversified portfolio of listed equities. AVI’s investment team then engages constructively with these companies to improve shareholder value. Our robust investment philosophy guides investment decisions.
Emphasis is placed on three factors:
1) Companies with attractive assets, where there is potential for growth in value.
2) A sum-of-the-parts (SOTP) discount to a fair net asset value.
3) Identifiable catalysts exist for value realisation.
We have followed this contrarian benchmark-agnostic unconstrained portfolio approach for nearly four decades. The experience gained is key to our in-depth understanding of our universe of opportunities in a constantly changing environment.
AVI’s long-term track record bears witness to the success of this approach. We believe this strategy remains as appealing as ever.